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Meet with your local MP!


One of the most effective and efficient things you can do to build public pressure for climate action is to meet with your political representatives. Tell them you want them to commit to greater climate action and announce climate policies. Don’t be nervous, we are here to help you! 

  1. Sign up to be a MP spokes: we can support you with one-on-one coaching, creating bespoke resources to pitch Solar Our Schools to your MP and candidates. We can also team you up with other concerned parents in your community to work together on securing and holding your political meetings. First step: Sign up to volunteer.
  2. Meet with your MP Training workshop webinar and slideshows: watch our webinar and/or flick through the slideshow, to get a masterclass on how to create an impactful and rewarding relationship with your local MP and candidates.
  3. Review our one page guide, on asks and guard rails for Meeting with your MP : and use this checklist before your meeting so you feel confident and prepared!

It’s very effective to come to your meeting with tangible local solutions to climate action. That’s why we work with you to create localise your Solar Our Schools. Follow this link to find out how.

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Parents for Climate meet and work on the lands of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people and respect that sovereignty of those lands was never ceded. We pay respect to Elders, past and present and emerging, and acknowledge the pivotal role that Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within the Australian community.