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Your support powers climate action for a safe future!

Right now, we are equipping a powerful new movement of parents and carers with the tools to advocate for climate solutions.

  • $10 per month can provide families with the tools to meet online, meet MPs, and hold community webinars on how to support climate action.
  • $25 per month can help train parent climate spokespeople to lead their communities in calling for climate action. 
  • $50 per month enables us to conduct high-visibility events, such as climate festivals and "play-ins" of parents and kids at strategic parliamentary offices.

Please note: All donations over $2 are tax deductible

Parents for Climate is entirely independent, and we rely on people like you to power our work.

Your support can accelerate climate action. This is too important to leave to politicians.

Chip in to keep the pressure on all sides of politics to take prudent, strong action on climate.

It means the world to our kids.

Did you know a monthly contribution can sustain our impact and enable us to grow. Become a sustainer today.

Direct Debit donations

You can donate by direct transfer to our account. Send an email to [email protected] for our bank details.


Parents for Climate meet and work on the lands of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people and respect that sovereignty of those lands was never ceded. We pay respect to Elders, past and present and emerging, and acknowledge the pivotal role that Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within the Australian community.